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Our programs

Neutral Carbon Technologies (previous name: Zero Carbon Technologies)

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for who?

Managers & All Newcomers

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On-site : 2 Days (14h)
Virtual classroom : 3 half-days (3h30*3)

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On-site or virtual classroom

Becoming a key player in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy means adapting our working methods, developing our skills and know-how, and transforming our activities.

The SUSTAINABILITY ACADEMY offers this program to new employees and managers with the objective of enabling them to discover or deepen their knowledge on the range of technologies that contribute to the energy transition, both on a global scale and at the level of the ENGIE ecosystem.

This program offers:
> An introduction to the technological vocabulary necessary to understand a technology, its maturity and the associated risks from a technical and environmental point of view.
> A more specific discovery of different blocks of technologies: renewable energies, green mobility, smart cities and buildings, green gases (biogas, hydrogen, synthetic gas), energy storage. The program will also address the technologies that will accelerate the transition, such as artificial intelligence, Big Data, etc.
> A focus on the concept of life cycle analysis to understand the real environmental benefits of the different technologies and thus avoid the trap of pollution displacement.
> To go further on these subjects, the program offers an overview of all the literature available within ENGIE as well as through subscriptions to external sources of information.

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  • > Understand how the different technologies work and contribute to a carbon neutral transition.
  • > Be able (in a few clicks) to obtain information on a particular technology from internal or external sources and understand whether that technology is emerging, in development or mature.
  • > Understand who the key players are behind the development and deployment of the technology. Who is collaborating with whom? What are the associated risks?
  • > Discover the opportunities to be seized but also the technical, economic and environmental challenges that remain.
  • > Have relevant and up-to-date information on the level of ENGIE's involvement in the technologies and useful contacts within ENGIE.

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They tell you about it

  • The explanation and exercises were good. Trainers were enthusiastic about ENGIE efforts toward zero carbon technologies. Videos selected were very helpful to comprehend the theory.

  • I find that the Program has provided me with a lot of information, it is very knowledgeable and inspiring, it makes me want to learn more and further my technical knowledge on the new technologies.

  • Wide coverage on topics. Good mixed of technical and business insight Good awesome general culture which is mandatory when we represent a 'large highly technical energy company'


Introduction: Interest and development of the program. Its objectives and challenges related to the Group's new strategy.

Overview of renewable energy technologies (wind, solar and marine) for electricity and heat production.

The importance of clean gases: hydrogen, biomethane, synthetic gases

Focus on life cycle assessment: what are the environmental benefits of the different technologies and how to avoid the pollution displacement trap?

Overview of energy storage technologies (heat and electricity)

The issues surrounding the implementation of smart buildings and cities and the related technologies:
> Smart city technologies (smart grids, Internet of Things,...)
> Technologies and energy efficiency

Industries and territories: the key role of technologies in their decarbonization: technologies (smart grids, industry 4.0) and energy efficiency

Green mobility technologies and associated energy sources (electricity, natural gas, hydrogen)

Emerging technologies and "enablers": what are the key technologies not to be overlooked (Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Cybersecurity...)?



Teaching approach

  • This program alternates internal experts interventions and interactive workshops + an e-learning journey on Ulearn


On-site or virtual classroom

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Related contents


Assessment methods

Expectations and knowledge & Skills quetsionnaire in preparation of the training & Post-session knowledge quiz

Price of the program

For more information on the price of the course, please contact us at the following address:

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