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Our programs

Sustainability with my clients

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for who?

Managers, All newcomers, Boost program participants

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On-site : 3 days
Virtual classroom format: 6 half-days spread over 3 weeks

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On-site or Virtual classrooms + e-learnings (1h45)

Becoming a key player in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy requires us to adapt our working methods, develop our skills and know-how, and transform our activities.

The SUSTAINABILITY ACADEMY offers a training program that enables all our sales forces and business developers to support their customers in this transition.
In order to make the Group's strategy a reality, ENGIE experts are mobilized within the framework of this course to enable you to :
- to apprehend your daily operational life with the necessary knowledge and tools
- to remain an essential actor of the transformation
- assert your legitimacy as a partner in the decarbonization issues of your customers

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  • > Describing the entire value chain of sustainability challenges for the company
  • > Examine and differentiate the key players in the economic sectors in terms of sustainability and decarbonation issues
  • > Distinguish the different strategic sectoral approaches
  • > Exploit ENGIE's methodologies and tools in the decarbonization of our clients
  • > Integrate the challenges of moving from a volume-centered business model to value-centered business models
  • > Challenge, co-construct and structure the ambition of a customer

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They tell you about it

  • I consider it vital that all sales, technical and strategic forces receive this training, as together we will create more powerful value propositions.

  • This is a very well oriented training towards our new business model.

  • Extremely useful content that I would recommend to all my colleagues, whether they are customer facing or not.


Understand the entire value chain of sustainability issues on the business
- Sustainability: definitions and application to the business world, risks and opportunities, examples of "good students"
- Climate change: impacts, role and responsibility of the energy sector, evolution framework, terminologies (net zero, absolute zero, net zero carbon, climate neutral, ...)
- Introduction to the steps of carbon accounting: calculating emissions, defining a trajectory, reducing and offsetting, reporting and communication

Examine and differentiate the key players in economic sectors in terms of sustainability
- Economic sectors most impacted by sustainability and decarbonization issues and their interconnection
- Levers of action and quantification of risk
- Immersion in the 5 most difficult sectors to decarbonize: heavy industry, buildings, pharmaceuticals, transport, food products and consumer goods, what are the challenges, what actions are possible?

Challenge, co-construct and structure a customer's ambition:
- Customer segmentation: behaviors and maturity in the face of sustainability issues
- Personalized customer approach: for each segment, how to go further with our current customers? How to approach our prospects, what are the prerequisites to get started? What are the differentiating indicators?
- Key Client Office (KCO) management process: methodology, tools and results

Exploiting ENGIE's methodologies and tools in the decarbonization of its customers
- The 3 indicators of an organization: carbon footprint, carbon compensation and elimination, decarbonization
- Stakes of decarbonization of customers for ENGIE
- Group methodology: steps, achievements and perspectives
- Application via 2 business cases
- ENGIE's digital tools for the decarbonization process: demonstration and serious game

Integrate the stakes of the passage from a volume-centered business model to value-centered business models
- The need for business model innovation in the context of the carbon neutrality transition
- Paradigm shift introduced by sustainable business models
- Identification of key elements to go further and innovate in sustainable business models

- Characteristics underlying the concept of sustainable business model (intangible resources, positive externalities,...)
- Concrete examples of sustainable business models
- Link between sustainable business models and ENGIE's activities


E-learning: "Business Change Maker" (1h) & Net Zero Carbone Ambition (45 min)

Teaching approach

This program includes masterclasses led by internal experts and interactive activities: case studies, practical application, workshops, role-playing and testimonials from operational entities.


Non résidential

Other programs suggested

U.learn related contents

  • CSR Matrix
  • CO2 Killer
  • Stakeholders Engagement

Assessment methods

Expectations and knowledge & Skills questionnaire in preparation of the training & Post-session knowledge quiz

Price of the program

For more information on the price of the course, please contact us at the following address:

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