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Our programs

Understanding Energy Revolution

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for who?

Managers & All newcomers

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On-site: 3 days (21h) + e-learning (30min)
Virtual classroom: 4 half-days (3h30*4) + e-learning (30min)

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On-site or virtual classroom

Becoming a key player in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy requires us to adapt our working methods, develop our skills and know-how, and transform our activities.

The SUSTAINABILITY ACADEMY offers this program to new employees and managers with the objective of enabling them to understand the context and challenges of the Group's transition to carbon neutrality from an energy market and business perspective. In particular, it will enable them to :
- become familiar with the physical and economic fundamentals of natural gas, green gas and electricity markets, pricing and market allocation procedures
- Review the ambitions targeted by national and international institutions to achieve a decarbonized market and the means available to energy groups to take advantage of this transition and seize new business opportunities.

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  • > Participate in a collective reflection alongside the trainers on the Group's challenges in the energy transition to carbon neutrality
  • > Be aware of the economic and business challenges of the Group's new activities and growth drivers: renewable energies, green gas (biomethane, hydrogen, etc.)
  • > Anchoring its position in the institutional, economic, financial and regulatory environment and gaining in relevance and efficiency thanks to networking with the many players present at the training and stakeholders in this revolution
  • > Understand the challenges of the emergence of a low-carbon economy and new forms of economy (circular economy, industrial ecology)
  • > Understand the challenges and solutions proposed by ENGIE to accompany our customers and partners towards carbon neutrality
  • > Appreciate and appropriate the levers of action and innovation through concrete and inspiring examples

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They tell you about it

  • The concept of Energy Transition, the use of our actual protfolio of business and turn the investment in new renovable energy

  • I found the presentation on the IOT very informative and was new information for me. I was also interested to learn about the diversity of economies within the APAC region

  • Meeting various people from ENGIE and get to know the new knowledge and know what is going on for the energy business


> Introduction to the energy and ecological transition and the challenges of a transition to a low-carbon economy
> The electricity value chain: mechanisms, specific issues and major developments
> The gas value chain: presentation of the fundamentals of supply and demand in order to review the performance of the gas industry, the interplay of players at the international level and the maturity of gas markets
> Putting into practice: economic choices of an electricity producer and supplier

> The economic and business challenges of green gas (biomethane and hydrogen)
> The economic and business challenges of renewable energies
> Putting the "coupling" sector into perspective (better integration of gas and electricity systems in order to benefit from gas/electricity synergies)
> Putting into practice: impact of renewable energies on economic choices

> Importance of customer orientation in new businesses
> Solutions offered by ENGIE to support our customers and partners towards carbon neutrality
> Putting into practice: circular economy and industrial synergies



Teaching approach

This program alternates interventions by internal experts and interactive activities (business game, workshops, role playing) + an e-learning course available in U.learn


On-site or virtual classroom

Other programs suggested

Related contents

  • ENGIE Net Zero Carbon Ambition
  • Business Change Maker

Assessment methods

Expectations and knowledge & Skills questionnaire in preparation of the training & Post-session knowledge quiz

Price of the program

For more information on the price of the course, please contact us at the following address

Updated date:
