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picto nos formations

Our programs


picto nos formations

for who?

Only for RISE participants of the Boost program

picto nos formations


7 days

picto nos formations



picto nos formations


Face to face

This program focuses on personal development and on leadership.
More specifically the dimension engaging and collaborating with stakeholders is developed.The program is based on experiential learning during which a project is developed for a partner (association, NGOs, untraditional organizations), and participants (of ENGIE and the associate partner) test all their leadership skills.
They experience unexpected situations that challenge their emotional intelligence, their collective functioning, their relation to the diversity, innovation and project management provided to the associate partner.

Targeted audience: Rise

picto illustration objectif

  • > Understand various cultures and ways of working, both within and outside the Group
  • > Based on interactions with non-corporate stakeholders, better comprehend the issues associated with these partners critical to the Group
  • > Deepen leadership skills
  • > Develop your network on a Group-wide level.

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They tell you about it

  • Lima, April 2018

    Topic itself is highly motivating! Very good coaching level; they pushed us out of our comfort zone!

  • Berlin, June 2019

    The journey I went on and the change in my view of management and work in general. Working with the chosen NGO really gave the feeling of making a difference and allowing our skills to be best used.

  • Berlin, June 2019

    I think the mix of NGO and Leadership learning in the small group sessions, with each of us taking a leadership role at different stages of the program was excellent – the safe space created by the Coach and collaborative nature of the group made this particularly informative and rewarding.


> Pre-readings on U.learn
> Webinar kickoff with the partner
> English test

> Introduction
> Presentation of the work environment (country, local ENGIE activities, etc.) with a local group representative, if possible
> Field visit
> Input and reflection on the partner’s expectation and responses (innovation, project…)

> Meeting with the partner organization contact and presentation of the activities and challenges to be discussed
> Contributions to leadership
> Work on the project with the partner organization in sub-groups
> Coaching (with coach professional, individual and collective, & betweens peer) and feedbacks

> Presentation of recommandations to the partner organization’s
> Conclusion

Assessment with participants and partner organization a few months after the program



Teaching approach

Experiential, coaching, group work


Residential – accommodation not included in the price, and to be booked and paid by participants directly with the hotel

Other programs suggested

Related contents


Assessment methods

Price of the program

The prices of the programs are communicated to the HR Managers.

Updated date:
