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Our programs

Strategic Leader

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2 days

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EN - (FR Possible)

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On site learning

Strategic leadership requires different skills and perspectives than those required by day-to-day operational leadership. Organizations need leaders who can set a strategic direction and implement it, both of which require us to make many decisions. However, research in cognitive sciences and in behavioral economics has shown that we tend to commit systematic, predictable mistakes when making such decisions.

Getting the decisions right is only part of the challenge, leaders also need to disentangle the decision process from decision making and implementation. Leaders are responsible for turning two dials and if they get the balance right they have growth, if they get it wrong, they have chaos and frustration. Where are you and your teams?

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  • > Identify heuristics and biases and describe how they affect our decision-making.
  • > Overcome biases by designing an appropriate decision making process, relying on the strength of the collective.
  • > Find a balance in the intervention of everyone in the decision making process to create value and avoid chaos and frustration

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They tell you about it

  • Day 1 on strategic decision making - highly credible and engaging making excellent trainers. They are not afraid of questions and encourage debate.

  • The instruction was very strong and the program was very well organized.

  • Super Teachers. Small group. Very interactive.


- Deciding in a VUCA environment and Mobilizing Collective Intelligence in the Context of Transformation
- The 2 systems of thinking
- BIases in decision making
- Overcoming biases in our decisions
- Collective, structured decision processes
- Dual process Theory and challenging of personal experiences
- Introduction of the 5 biases types of strategic decision-making (individual and organisational)
- Group exercise on inertia transformation-facing industries
- Exercise on decision-making process design

- The Leader as a Decision Process Architect and The Promise and Process of Decentralizing Decision Making
- The Narrative Fallacy
- Learning the Lessons of the Past
- Noise and the Mediated Assessment Protocol
- Decentralized decision making process
- Intention based leadership
- Work in subgroups on small structures efficiency
- Collective and individual work on McIntosh and Michael Gambardi



Teaching approach

  • Experimentation
  • Observation and feedback between peers
  • Peer group work
  • Business case studies


On site learning

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Assessment methods

Prior to the session, participants prepare an analysis of their own decision-making process and a presentation of a future difficult decision.
The work on this future decision, and the action plan that will follow at the end of the training, will allow to evaluate the achievement of the objectives for the participant.
Throughout the program, several mini-cases as well as a full case (on learning the lessons of the past) are coverd. In each case the participants are shown how their initial answers/solutions to the cases could be improved by applying the concepts to the case, and can see their progress/learning in the improved approach in the following cases.
Final assessment carried out by the trainer.

Price of the program

The prices of the programs are communicated to the HR Managers

Updated date:
