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Nos programmes

Project Management Fundamentals

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pour qui ?

All employees

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On-site : 2 days or Virtual classroom : 4*3h

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On-site + e-learning
Virtual Classroom + e-learning

This programme provides managers with the opportunity to generalise project management techniques, with the aim of respecting the phases of a project and determining the conditions for its success. To achieve this, we will use the following project management framework: start, plan, execute, monitor and close.

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Explain the fundamentals of management (vocabulary and concepts based on the Project Management Institute-PMI® standard) -
Apply the actions to be implemented in the different phases of the project cycle:

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Ils vous en parlent




Modalités pédagogiques

Modalités logistiques

On site learning or virtual classroom

Autres formations suggérées


Contenus associés


Modalités d’évaluation

"A self-positioning quiz is sent to participants before the programme.
A knowledge quiz is sent to participants after the programme.
This quiz allows us to measure participants' progress, and a minimum threshold is required in the quiz to validate the training.

Prix de la formation

The prices of the programs are communicated to the HR Managers.

Date de mise à jour:
